Ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the archaeological museum
Published on 10 July 2024

On Thursday 04 July, the ceremony to lay the foundation stone for Côte d'Ivoire's first archaeological museum was held on the Singrobo-Ahouaty hydroelectric development site.

The ceremony was attended by Françoise Remarck, Minister of Culture and Francophonie, N'guessan Koffi, Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Apprenticeship, Pierre Dimba, Minister of Health and Public Hygiene and President of the Agneby-Tiassa Regional Council, and HEM Anne Lugon-Moulin, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation, Mr Etty Ekolan Alain, President of IHE, the region's prefectoral body, a large village community and archaeology students from INSAAC and the FHB University of Cocody.

As a reminder, the agreement signed on 05 August 2019 between the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie and IHE has enabled a winning public-private partnership to promote excavations and the study of remains by the Ministry's Archaeological Department.

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