2022 assessment workshop and planning of the implementation of actions for the protection of the Lamto Scientific Reserve.
Published on 06 Dec 2022
The Ivorian Parks and Reserves Office (OIPR) and the Ivoire Hydro Energy Company (IHE) held
from Thursday 01 to Friday 02 December 2022 in Taabo a 2022 assessment workshop
and planning of the implementation of actions for the protection of Lamto Scientific Reserve (RSL).
The Taabo meeting allowed these two structures to know the level of technical execution of the
activities of the PAA at the end of the year 2022 of the RSL and the level of technical execution
of the activities of the OIPR-IHE framework agreement and in end of validating the RSL 2023
annual activity plan.
It should be noted that the premises of the sub-prefecture of Taabo housed this work.
Opening the work, the prefect of thedepartment of Taabo, president of the management
committee, was delighted with the regular holding of the activities of the committee,
while congratulating the members. The Chief of Staff of the Minister of Environment and
Sustainable Development, Parfait Kouakou, expressed his gratitude and encouragement to General
Tondossama Adama, Director General of the Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves (OIPR)
and his collaborators.
This satisfactory state of conservation of the reserve, led the Director General of IHE, Christophe Blairon,
to make the commitment to support the managers of the reserve by continuing the collaboration
between its structure and the scientific reserve. The management committee meeting also adopted
the annual action plan (PAA) for the year 2023.
Below is a press clipping related to this activity: 12/02/taabo-loipr-et-ihe- dressent-le-bilan-des- activites-de-la-reserve- scientifique-de-lamto-et-fait- des-perspectives-2023/