Visit of the new Managing Director of CI-ENERGIES
Published on 24 Feb 2022

After taking office and following the invitation of Mr. Alain Ekolan ETTY President of IHE, the Managing Director of CI-ENERGIES deemed it useful to pay a visit to the Singrobo-Ahouaty hydroelectric development site in order to get an idea of​​the progress of the work.

Indeed on February 04, 2022, Mr. Sidibé NOUMORY Managing Director of CI-ENERGIES went to the construction site of the Singrobo-Ahouaty dam.

At the end of his visit, he was very satisfied with the state of progress of the work, he took the opportunity to thank and encourage all the actors of this project which is unique in Côte d'Ivoire and in west africa.

Below are some press clippings related to this visit: