Visit of CAMARA Minister of Mines, Petroleum and Energy to the site of the Singrobo Ahouaty hydroelectric development project
Published on 10 Mar 2022

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Mr. Thomas CAMARA, Minister of Mines, Petroleum and Energy, visited the site of the Singrobo Ahouaty hydroelectric development project to inquire about the progress of the work. He was accompanied by a delegation from the Ministry and major energy players in Côte d'Ivoire, the Managing Director of CI Energies (Sidibé NOUMORY), senior officials from CI-ENERGIES and ANARE.

Mr. Kevin Kanina KARIUKI, Vice-President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) the main lender of the project, also honored us with his presence, showing his keen interest in the progress of our project.

Upon his arrival on the site, the Minister was welcomed by the prefectural body of the department of Taabo and the management of IHE ledby the President Mr. Ekolan Alain ETTY and its Managing Director Mr. Christophe BLAIRON.

Mr. Thierry THEODORE, Project Director for the EIFFAGE group in charge of the construction works, presented the different stages of construction of the different structures and their status.

For his part, President ETTY made the genesis of the project and welcomed the partnership with the State of Côte d'Ivoire on this IPP project, the first in Côte d'Ivoire or even for the West African region.


The Minister was satisfied with the progress of the work, he indicated that this project is perfectly in line with the ambition of the President of the Republic, Alassane OUATTARA, who is to ensure that 45% of the energy produced in Côte d'Ivoire by 2030 will be from renewable energy.


Below are some press clippings related to this visit:

Les travaux du barrage hydro-électrique de Singrobo-Ahouaty achevés à 50% - News

Visite du Barrage de Singrobo-Ahouaty: Ce que le vice-président de la Bad a dit - YouTube